Privacy Policy

No video or videos are hosted on this site. Any of the video you can find here may be gotten for free on sites like,,,, and many other servers. We are just linking it. Note we do not promise or guarantee our service and are not responsible for any action of our user’s. We have no partnership and don’t request to have partnership with any owner of video’s or stream’s given on our website. All content is copyright of their respective owners.

1. Responsibilities
1.1 Though we did everything possible in the preparation of our site, we are to inform you that it is technically impossible to run it without any faults. No warranty can be given concerning the continuing operation of our website and we take no responsibility in case it will not be functional because of faults or maintenance.
1.2 You should realize that all information is provided by third parties and we totally value their work. However we are not liable for this information.
1.3 The content on our website complies with Swedish law but we take no liability for any non-compliance with relevant local laws in other jurisdictions.
2. Links to and from Website
2.1 This website may have hypertext links to sites run by third parties. We are to inform you that we have no control of any from such websites and are not responsible for the information given on them.
3. Use of information
3.1 We are not owners of any information given on the website. Thus, we are not responsible for what you do with it. You may distribute information if their original owners have nothing against.


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